The math purists will probably bristle at me for this one but I loved this site that long time List member, Sharon Affeld sent along. It demonstrates 7 different ways to think about math concepts using fingers, lines and illustrations. I know — it doesn’t replace ‘real’ math skills but thinking about numbers in different ways may be fun for those who are strong at math and perhaps one or two tricks might help some struggling with a concept.
The URL:
Chrome Toolbox
Have you seen this site yet? I just stumbled on this collaborative space that was created to celebrate the many Apps and Extensions made by developers which serve the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. The site goes on to explain, “To this end, we have developed this searchable resource to locate tools that serve the particular challenges anyone might face while working in Chrome. On the right, you will find more information about this site, including definitions of terms and more information about the Chrome browser and assistive technology.”
The URL:
Internet in Real Time
My brother, Brian, sent me this dynamic interactive showing the Internet in real time. “Now that the Internet is widely available, just one second of global online activity is jam-packed full of events, from communication with others to data storage to entertainment options galore.” I find it stunning to realize that in the time it took me to write this post that 1.9 million gigabytes of data have flowed through the ‘net…
The URL:
Flippity – Flashcard generator
Long time Teacher List member, Joel Heffner, told me that if I haven’t seen this one yet, you’re gonna like it. Well, I hadn’t seen it and I do like it! The site invites users to “Easily turn Google Spreadsheets into Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff.” And it works well – just download the template and follow the instructions. Be sure to check out the other gadgets too – like the trivia game that looks like a gameshow teachers love to emulate in the classroom…
The URL:
5 No-Cost Online Courses to Improve Your Photography
I’m not sure where I heard about this but it seems to be a good time of year to brush up on some photography skills as we begin our Holiday events. Montreal photographer Andrea Clegg has put together this list of no-cost moocs that may be of use to both teachers and students alike.
The URL:
Like you, I’m off for a couple of weeks of catching up with Mrs. Teacher List, friends and family. My wish for all of you is a Very Merry Christmas, a fun New Year and much rest. All the best and thanks for your continued support as we look forward to 2015.
Here’s a fun little Flash interactive that asks students to view an arrangement of shapes (similar to a tangram) and then they are mixed up. Students then move and rotate the shapes with their mouse to re-assemble the original arrangement.
The URL: