The Teacher List » Google
www.theteacherlist.caTue, 24 Mar 2015 16:12:25 +0000en-UShourly1 Earth Pro, 24 Mar 2015 16:12:25 +0000 got wind of this a couple of months ago and it appears to still be available. The Google Earth that we’ve been using has not been the professional version. I always suspected that there was more to the experience. Now anyone can download the pro version which comes with a suite of professional-grade features, like a map-making tool. Previously over $400/year, there is no cost to this version.
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]]> – Flashcard generator, 05 Jan 2015 13:30:52 +0000 time Teacher List member, Joel Heffner, told me that if I haven’t seen this one yet, you’re gonna like it. Well, I hadn’t seen it and I do like it! The site invites users to “Easily turn Google Spreadsheets into Flashcards and Other Cool Stuff.” And it works well – just download the template and follow the instructions. Be sure to check out the other gadgets too – like the trivia game that looks like a gameshow teachers love to emulate in the classroom…
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]]> in Real Time, 12 Dec 2014 19:39:36 +0000 one is pretty self-explanatory. We all know The Google is huge but how huge is it? Check out this interactive infographic that loads live data about what’s going on with Google.
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]]> Google Form from a Spreadsheet, 20 Nov 2014 15:52:25 +0000 pal, Randy Lyseng, found this great tool. Blogger John McGowan wrote a script that will create a form from a highlighted range of questions that you create on a Google spreadsheet. He is especially proud of the feature that creates multiple choice questions from option in the sheet. Visit the page, make a copy for yourself and follow the instructions on this page to try it out for yourself!
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]]> with Google Sites, 24 Sep 2014 19:18:58 +0000 students are using Google Sites as a portfolio to hold all of their creative work. There are a lot of questions about how to use the many features, so we’ve been “Asking The Google” and found this good site. Google Trainer, Tony Amsler, offers a range of tips for beginners and experts alike, including his very helpful articles in the “Good to Know” section.
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