2Learn.ca has put out a Special Edition that contains information about viruses and Ebola. Click through the menu in the middle of the page to learn more about what viruses are and how they affect humans; then to learn more about Ebola itself. There are also some interactive maps and other resources listed that may be of interest.
The URL: http://www.2learn.ca/specialedition/ebola/
Author Archives: admin
Color Theory Quick Reference Poster
Paper-Leaf.com author, Jeff Archibald made and offers up “all of the basics of color theory contained in one place – specifically, a cool infographic-esque poster.” Whether teaching Color Theory in elementary art classrooms or digital color theory in secondary classrooms, this poster is available in multiple formats for download, sharing and printing. (I didn’t realize until I researched this site that they’re from my hometown of Edmonton!)
The URL: http://paper-leaf.com/blog/2010/01/color-theory-quick-reference-poster/
Sample IPP Support Templates
Alberta Education has provided information and forms in the Inclusive Education Library that can support an inclusive approach to instructional planning. The Library has sample forms for gathering information about students’ strengths, interests, and learner preferences. It also contains information and forms that teachers can use at the beginning of the school year to help identify what level of support individual students might require relative to Language Arts and Mathematics. In addition, the Library includes information on supporting social participation, developing behaviour support plans, implications of medical conditions and disabilities, and transition planning. There are three templates, all downloadable as PDF documents, each of which target different needs. If you are not an Alberta-based teacher, they may still be of use/interest. And please know that this is not a prescribed resource from Alberta Education – they are offered in the spirit of support, not obligation.
The URL: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/ieptLibrary/lib07.html
50 Questions To Help Students Think About What They Think
“Ultimately questions spark imagination, conjure emotions, and create more questions. The questions asked by a teacher or professor are sometimes more glaringly valuable than the information transferred to the students. Those questions spark a thought, which leads to a fiercely independent search for information.” Here’s a lengthy list of questions that will promote metacognition in students. My first thought was to add some of these to my list of “Exit Pass” questions.
The URL: http://www.teachthought.com/learning/metacognition-50-questions-help-students-think-think/?utm_content=buffer2f246&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=buffer
P.S. — Google must be reading our minds. After I suggested yesterday that the 30gb limit is sometimes limiting, some Teacher List readers pointed out that just this week, Google announced plans to remove the limits and fees for upgrade to all Google Apps for Education accounts. That change is taking place in the near future. Thanks to those who pointed it out!
Google Drive Folder Size
For those districts using Google Apps, there is a limited amount of space available to hold your non-Google assets. Files like photos, pdfs and video count towards your quota while files like Google Docs, Sheets and Presentations do not count. When things start to get tight, it can be difficult to find the bulky elements – this site will help with that. Once connected to your Drive, it will analyze the folder contents and give you a size indication. You can then start moving the larger files to local storage or to other cloud solutions.
The URL: http://gdrivefoldersize.appspot.com/
Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land
When I was a student teacher in the 80’s, I used this video in a math unit. This week, I’m preparing a lesson in SketchUp about the Golden Section and wondered if I could find it online since my old VHS of it is long gone. I only need about 5 minutes from the 7:00 mark to cover this particular subject but the whole 27 minute video is well worth a look.
The URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_ZHsk0-eF0