The List is sent out around 7:00 MST (Alberta, Canada or -7h GMT) Monday to Friday. There is no Teacher List on holidays like long weekends, Christmas Break and Spring Break. Over the summer, no List will be sent from June 30 to August 31. Don’t forget to visit and bookmark the website at There, you are able to maintain your subscription, contact me and to search the archives.
History of The Teacher List:
October 1998
– An informal email to teaching friends was started to spread the word about interesting new websites. I was teaching History 9 and 10 and CTS (Computers) at St. John’s School of Alberta at this time.
February 1999
– A formal list was started and named The Teacher List; open membership was encouraged and 100 people were signed up within a year
September 1999
– The first website was built to hold archives of sites that were recommended. I had moved to Edmonton Public Schools and was the Technology Coordinator at Lymburn Elementary School by this time.
November 2001
– The second website was built that incorporated flash menus; domain purchased and used to popularize the site
January 2002:
– Membership reaches 1000 people
September 2003:
– I move to Jasper Place High School to teach Hypermedia (Web Design), Business Tech, Computer Science, and Design Studies.
Autumn 2003:
-The Teacher List is chosen as one of the Top Ten Educational Web Sites as chosen by teachers from across the country.
January 2005:
– The Listserv was moved to a Majordomo service and fully automated
– The third website was built to utilize php searchable archives.
– Many thanks go to my friend and colleague, Bill Lomax, for all the coding help…
June 2006:
– domain purchased
March 2007:
– The Listserv moves to, allowing for an easier administration of subscribers’ accounts.
May 2007:
– 2007 Excellence in Teaching Award / SMARTer Kids Foundation Innovative Use of Technology Award, in part because of The Teacher List.
June 2007:
– The Teacher List moves to a blog format to allow for online discussion
– Thanks to Ershad Chagani, a former student who I hired to move my 1200 entries to this new format!
September 2010:
– I was seconded to The Education Society as a Provincial Team Teacher, supporting Alberta teachers teaching with technology.
Summer 2011
– An updated blog style as The Teacher List membership passes 2800 members!
January 2012
-Readership passes 3300 members.
September 2013
-Readership passes 4200!
Please feel free to tell others about this invaluable service! All persons interested in education technology are welcome! If you use the information that I provide, I would appreciate a note in your publication or presentation regarding The Teacher List, please. I DO accept donations via the PayPal Donation link on my website. Please consider supporting this service financially, especially if you use The Teacher List recommendations in your own publications.
Some people ask me why I might say, “My pal…” or “My friend…” when writing a post. That’s easy – if we’ve had a drink together, you’re a pal. If we have met but not had a drink together, then you’re a friend!
For more information, please contact me. Welcome to the List!
Hi Pete,
I’ve browsed through The Teachers List a little and it seems very interesting and educational. I think I will enjoy and make use of the information provided. I plan to share with my teachers here at San Lazaro Methodist Protestant School, Orange Walk District, Belize C.A.
Ms. Elsie